Cigarette smoking is undoubtedly the single most important risk factor and trigger for vasospastic angina, a condition also known as Prinzmetal angina secondary to coronary artery vasospasm. Even decades before vasospastic angina was first described by Dr. Myron Prinzmetal and his colleagues in 1959, there had been suspected connections between smoking and coronary artery vasospasm in what was alluded to then as "tobacco angina." The intimate relationship between smoking and vasospastic angina has since been extensively researched and validated through decades of epidemiological and clinical studies. The fact that smoking would aggravate vasospastic angina comes with very little surprise, as it has been shown to adversely impact many of the disease processes thought to underlie vasospastic angina, including autonomic dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, smooth muscle hyperactivity, and genetic susceptibility. While avoidance of smoking is the first logical step in managing smokers with vasospastic angina, there have been reported cases of vasospastic angina paradoxically triggered by smoking cessation or relieved with smoking resumption or nicotine replacement therapy. Thus, there appears to be patient-specific factors that could significantly alter the close connection between smoking and vasospastic angina, warranting further mechanistic investigations. In this review, we will examine this complicated relationship between smoking and vasospastic angina from multiple perspectives (historical, mechanistic, and clinical) and call attention to the "smoking paradox," which, with further elucidation, may provide additional insight into the complex mechanisms of VSA and potentially new strategies to treat medically refractory VSA, at least in selected individuals.
Keywords: Smoking; coronary artery vasospasm; smoking paradox; vasospastic angina.