Background: Sexual dysfunction (SD) is a frequent non-motor symptom in Parkinson's disease (PD) that is rarely addressed, and sexual counseling is sporadic.
Objectives: To investigate PD patients' SD and sexual counseling motivation and to propose an interventional strategy for movement disorder specialists.
Methods: All consecutive PD patients who presented to a movement disorder unit between 2018 and 2019 completed anonymous questionnaires containing the Female Sexual Function Index, the International Index of Erectile Function, and a questionnaire on sexual needs and motivation to receive sexual counseling.
Results: The age range of the 100 recruited patients (78 men) was 40-80 years, and the mean disease duration was 8.64 ± 6.84 years. SD appeared at all PD stages. The presence of SD pre-PD diagnosis significantly predicted SD post-diagnosis in men. Erectile dysfunction was the most common male SD (70%). Women reported frequent SD before PD diagnosis and currently. More than half of the responders (74% of the men and 40% of the women) were motivated to receive sexual counseling. Most of them (77.4%) were in a relationship.
Conclusions: The findings of this analysis revealed that most PD patients had experienced SD before being diagnosed with PD and were interested in receiving sexual counseling. We propose a six-step intervention strategy for the management of SD in PD designed for application in a movement disorder unit. We also recommend that neurologists and other healthcare providers undergo training to provide basic sexual counseling tailored to the needs of PD patients.
Keywords: Counseling needs; Parkinson’s disease; Sexual dysfunction; Sexual health; Sexual intervention strategy.
© 2022. Fondazione Società Italiana di Neurologia.