The use of portable ultrasound (US) devices is increasing, due to its accessibility, versatility, non-invasiveness, and its significant support in the patient management, extending the traditional physical examination through the POCUS (point-of-care ultrasound). The pocket-size or handheld ultrasound devices (HUDs) can easily perform focused exams, not aiming to substitute for the high-end US systems (gold standard), since the HUDs usually have more limited functions. The HUDs are promising tools for the diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring of the COVID-19 infection and its related disorders. In conclusion, the routine use of HUDs may ameliorate the management of COVID-19 pandemic, according to the guidelines for the POCUS approach and the procedures for the protection of the patients and the professionals.
Keywords: COVID-19; Echoscopy; Point-of-Care ultrasound; Portable ultrasound.
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