Purpose of review: Physician burnout is well-described in the literature. We analyze the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on burnout in trauma and acute care surgeons (TACS).
Recent findings: Along with other healthcare workers and trainees, TACS faced unprecedented clinical, personal, and professional challenges in treating a novel pathogen and were uniquely affected due to their skillset as surgeons, intensivists, and leaders. The pandemic and its consequences have increased burnout and are suspected to have worsened PTSD and moral injury among TACS. The healthcare system is just beginning to grapple with these problems.
Summary: COVID-19 significantly added to the pre-existing burden of burnout among TACS. We offer prevention and mitigation strategies. Furthermore, to build upon the work done by individuals and organizations, we urge that national institutions address burnout from a regulatory standpoint.
Keywords: Burnout; COVID-19; Mental health; Physician burnout; Surgeon wellness; Trauma surgery.
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