Disruptive behaviors such as elopement, calling-out, and aggression are often a major barrier to instruction in preschool classrooms. One widely used class-wide behavior management system is Class-Wide Function-Related Intervention Teams (CW-FIT). To date, we could only locate two studies on CW-FIT used in preschool settings which found a therapeutic change in on-task behavior as well rates of teacher praise, teacher reprimands, student socials skills, and student problem behaviors. The current study used a withdrawal design to also evaluate the effectiveness of Tier 1 CW-FIT on on-task student behavior and teacher praise and reprimand behavior in a preschool setting during both large and small group activities. Results suggested that the implementation of the Tier 1 components of CW-FIT increased on-task group behavior in both settings. Results for rates of teacher's praise and reprimand statements were variable.
Keywords: CW-FIT; behavior management; group contingency; on-task behavior; praise; preschool.