Cross-sectional association between blood cholesterol and calcium levels in genetically diverse strains of mice

bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Feb 9:2023.02.08.527123. doi: 10.1101/2023.02.08.527123.


Genetically diverse outbred mice allow for the study of genetic variation in the context of high dietary and environmental control. Using a machine learning approach we investigated clinical and morphometric factors that associate with serum cholesterol levels in 840 genetically unique mice of both sexes, and on both a control chow and high fat high sucrose diet. We find expected elevations of cholesterol in male mice, those with elevated serum triglycerides and/or fed a high fat high sucrose diet. The third strongest predictor was serum calcium which correlated with serum cholesterol across both diets and sexes (r=0.39-0.48). This is in-line with several human cohort studies which show associations between calcium and cholesterol, and calcium as an independent predictor of cardiovascular events.

Keywords: Calcium; Cholesterol; Cross-Sectional; Diversity Outbred.

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