Transforming growth factor-β1, -β2, and -β3 (TGF-β1, -β2, and -β3) are secreted signaling ligands that play essential roles in tissue development, tissue maintenance, immune response, and wound healing. TGF-β ligands form homodimers and signal by assembling a heterotetrameric receptor complex comprised of two type I receptor (TβRI):type II receptor (TβRII) pairs. TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 ligands signal with high potency due to their high affinity for TβRII, which engenders high-affinity binding of TβRI through a composite TGF-β:TβRII binding interface. However, TGF-β2 binds TβRII 200-500 more weakly than TGF-β1 and TGF-β3 and signals with lower potency compared with these ligands. Remarkably, the presence of an additional membrane-bound coreceptor, known as betaglycan, increases TGF-β2 signaling potency to levels similar to TGF-β1 and -β3. The mediating effect of betaglycan occurs even though it is displaced from and not present in the heterotetrameric receptor complex through which TGF-β2 signals. Published biophysics studies have experimentally established the kinetic rates of the individual ligand-receptor and receptor-receptor interactions that initiate heterotetrameric receptor complex assembly and signaling in the TGF-β system; however, current experimental approaches are not able to directly measure kinetic rates for the intermediate and latter steps of assembly. To characterize these steps in the TGF-β system and determine the mechanism of betaglycan in the potentiation of TGF-β2 signaling, we developed deterministic computational models with different modes of betaglycan binding and varying cooperativity between receptor subtypes. The models identified conditions for selective enhancement of TGF-β2 signaling. The models provide support for additional receptor binding cooperativity that has been hypothesized but not evaluated in the literature. The models further showed that betaglycan binding to the TGF-β2 ligand through two domains provides an effective mechanism for transfer to the signaling receptors that has been tuned to efficiently promote assembly of the TGF-β2(TβRII)2(TβRI)2 signaling complex.
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