Background: The response of platelets to activating stimuli and pharmaceutical agents varies greatly within the normal population. Current platelet function tests are used to measure end-point levels of platelet activation without taking the speed at which platelets activate into account, potentially missing vital metrics to characterize platelet reactivity.
Objectives: To identify variability, to agonists and among individuals, in platelet activation kinetics and assess the impact of this on thrombus formation.
Methods: We have developed a bespoke real-time flow cytometry assay and analysis package to measure the rate of platelet activation over time using 2 parameters of platelet activation, fibrinogen binding and P-selectin exposure.
Results: The rate of platelet activation varied considerably within the normal population but did not correlate with maximal platelet activation, demonstrating that platelet activation rate is a separate and novel metric to describe platelet reactivity. The relative rate of platelet response between agonists was strongly correlated, suggesting that a central control mechanism regulates the rate of platelet response to all agonists.
Conclusion: For the first time, we have shown that platelet response rate corresponds to thrombus size and structure, wherein faster responders form larger, more densely packed thrombi at arterial, but crucially not venous, shear. We have demonstrated that the rate of platelet activation is an important metric in stratifying individual platelet responses and will provide a novel focus for the design and development of antiplatelet therapy, targeting high-shear thrombosis without exacerbating bleeding at low shear.
Keywords: flow cytometry; kinetics; platelet activation; platelet function tests; thrombosis.
Copyright © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.