Gene regulatory networks within cells modulate the expression of the genome in response to signals and changing environmental conditions. Reconstructions of gene regulatory networks can reveal the information processing and control principles used by cells to maintain homeostasis and execute cell-state transitions. Here, we introduce a computational framework, D-SPIN, that generates quantitative models of gene regulatory networks from single-cell mRNA-seq datasets collected across thousands of distinct perturbation conditions. D-SPIN models the cell as a collection of interacting gene-expression programs, and constructs a probabilistic model to infer regulatory interactions between gene-expression programs and external perturbations. Using large Perturb-seq and drug-response datasets, we demonstrate that D-SPIN models reveal the organization of cellular pathways, sub-functions of macromolecular complexes, and the logic of cellular regulation of transcription, translation, metabolism, and protein degradation in response to gene knockdown perturbations. D-SPIN can also be applied to dissect drug response mechanisms in heterogeneous cell populations, elucidating how combinations of immunomodulatory drugs can induce novel cell states through additive recruitment of gene expression programs. D-SPIN provides a computational framework for constructing interpretable models of gene-regulatory networks to reveal principles of cellular information processing and physiological control.