Perioperative medicine is a rapidly growing multidisciplinary field with significant advances published each year. In this review, we highlight important perioperative publications in 2022. A multi-database literature search from January to December of 2022 was undertaken. Original research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and guidelines were included. Abstracts, case reports, letters, protocols, pediatric and obstetric articles, and cardiac surgery literature were excluded. Two authors reviewed each reference using the Distiller SR systematic review software (Evidence Partners Inc., Ottawa, Ont, Canada). A modified Delphi technique was used to identify 8 practice-changing articles. We identified another 10 articles for tabular summaries. We highlight why these articles have the potential to change clinical perioperative practice and areas where more information is needed.
Keywords: Perioperative analgesia; Perioperative atrial fibrillation; Perioperative pulmonary complications; Perioperative stroke; Perioperative thromboembolism; Timing of elective surgery after COVID-19 infection.
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