Purpose of review: Pediatric sepsis remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children. This review will summarize the main aspects of the definition, the current evidence base for interventions discuss some controversial themes and point towards possible areas of improvement.
Recent findings: Controversy remains regarding the accurate definition, resuscitation fluid volume and type, choice of vasoactive/inotropic agents, and antibiotic depending upon specific infection risks. Many adjunctive therapies have been suggested with theoretical benefits, although definitive recommendations are not yet supported by data. We describe best practice recommendations based on international guidelines, a review of primary literature, and a discussion of ongoing clinical trials and the nuances of therapeutic choices.
Summary: Early diagnosis and timely intervention with antibiotics, fluid resuscitation, and vasoactive medications are the most important interventions in sepsis. The implementation of protocols, resource-adjusted sepsis bundles, and advanced technologies will have an impact on reducing sepsis mortality.
Keywords: Antibiotic management; Fluid resuscitation; Pediatric intensive care unit; Pediatric sepsis; Septic shock.
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