Compared to other genera of Gram-negative pathogens, Pseudomonas is adept in acquiring complex non-enzymatic and enzymatic resistance mechanisms thus remaining a challenge to even novel antibiotics including recently developed β-lactam and β-lactamase inhibitor combinations. This study shows that the novel β-lactam enhancer approach enables cefepime/zidebactam to overcome both non-enzymatic and enzymatic resistance mechanisms associated with a challenging panel of P. aeruginosa. This study highlights that the β-lactam enhancer mechanism is a promising alternative to the conventional β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor approach in combating ever-evolving MDR P. aeruginosa.
Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa; antibiotic resistance; cefepime; zidebactam; ß-lactam enhancer; ß-lactamase inhibitor; ß-lactamases.