We studied the venous system at the groin, ankle, and antecubital area in relationship to easily palpable or visible surface landmarks, and developed new approaches or modifications of existing approaches to localize the saphenous vein at the groin, ankle, and the basilic vein in the antecubital area. A prospective crossover study comparing these new cutdown techniques with the most commonly described traditional techniques was performed, using inexperienced medical personnel. They were divided into two groups, and the average time to successful venous isolation with each method at each of the three sites was studied. Both groups were similar in that all participants were medical personnel (interns, flight nurses, an equal number in each group) who had not previously performed venous cutdowns. In each group, at all sites, the new cutdown techniques resulted in a more rapid isolation of the vein. This was true in each case regardless of which technique was learned and attempted first.