Identification of IncA Plasmid, Harboring blaVIM-1 Gene, in S. enterica Goldcoast ST358 and C. freundii ST62 Isolated in a Hospitalized Patient

Antibiotics (Basel). 2023 Nov 25;12(12):1659. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12121659.


In the present study, we analyzed the genome of two S. enterica strains TS1 and TS2 from stool and blood cultures, respectively, and one strain of C. freundii TS3, isolated from a single hospitalized patient with acute myeloid leukemia. The S. enterica Goldcoast ST358 (O:8 (C2-C3) serogroup), sequenced by the MiSeq Illumina system, showed the presence of β-lactamase genes (blaVIM-1, blaSHV-12 and blaOXA-10), aadA1, ant(2″)-Ia, aac(6')-Iaa, aac(6')-Ib3, aac(6')-Ib-cr, qnrVC6, parC(T57S), and several incompatibility plasmids. A wide variety of insertion sequences (ISs) and transposon elements were identified. In C. freundii TS3, these were the blaVIM-1, blaCMY-150, and blaSHV-12, aadA1, aac(6')-Ib3, aac(6')-Ib-cr, mph(A), sul1, dfrA14, ARR-2, qnrVC6, and qnrB38. IncA plasmid isolated from E.coli/K12 transconjugant and C. freundii exhibited a sequence identity >99.9%. The transfer of IncA plasmid was evaluated by conjugation experiments.

Keywords: ARGs; C. freundii; IncA; Salmonella enterica Goldcoast; VIM; WGS; virulence factors; β-lactamase.