Electric burn of the skull: treatment by applying trepanations and wound dressing. Illustrative case

J Neurosurg Case Lessons. 2024 Mar 18;7(12):CASE23635. doi: 10.3171/CASE23635. Print 2024 Mar 18.


Background: Although electric injuries to human tissue are uncommon in contemporary times, their occurrence implies a high degree of morbidity and mortality. These are primarily attributed to the impact of electric current on cellular membranes, resulting in the disruption of ionic changes.

Observations: In this paper, the authors present the case of an electric burn on the skull in a 50-year-old male, treated by utilizing trepanation and daily sterile wound dressing. This approach differs from the conventional treatment involving tissue grafts.

Lessons: Although the techniques utilized in this case are not commonly chosen as the initial treatment option, they have demonstrated effectiveness. Despite the absence of tissue flaps or grafts, satisfactory coverage of the skull cap was achieved.

Keywords: electric burn; neurosurgery; skull; trepanation.