Pulsatile tinnitus (PT) is the perception of an auditory sensation without an external source and in synchrony with the heartbeat. One of the most common cases of PT is bony anomalies of the sigmoid sinus, including dehiscence or diverticula. This case report describes a 26-year-old female patient who presented with pulsatile tinnitus caused by sigmoid sinus diverticula and dehiscence, which was successfully treated with cortical mastoidectomy with diverticula closure using pedicled temporalis fascia and resurfacing of the dehiscence with autogenous bone pate along with bone cement. We recommend thorough clinical and radiological workup to rule out other possible causes of PT before surgical intervention. In addition, we would like to highlight the surgical technique using pedicled temporalis fascia that we have used in our patient, which is easily reproducible and offers successful outcomes.
Keywords: Pulsatile Tinnitus; Sigmoid Sinus Dehiscence; Sigmoid Sinus Diverticula.
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