Introduction: The accuracy of surface ECG algorithms for predicting the origin of outflow tract ventricular arrhythmias (OT-VAs) might be questioned. Intracardiac electrograms recorded at anatomic landmarks could provide new predictive insights. We aim to evaluate the efficacy of a novel criterion utilizing the activation pattern of the coronary sinus (CS) in localizing OT-VAs, including VAs originating from the right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT), endocardial left ventricular outflow tract (Endo-LVOT), and epicardial left ventricular outflow tract (Epi-LVOT).
Methods: We measured the ventricular activation time of the mitral annulus (MA) from the onset of the earliest QRS complex of VAs to the initial deflection over the isoelectric line at local signals, namely the QRS-MA interval. The activation at 3 and 12 o'clock of the MA was recorded as the QRS-MA3 and QRS-MA12 intervals, respectively. Their predictive values were compared to previous ECG algorithms.
Results: A total of 68 patients with OT-VAs were enrolled (51 for development and 17 for validation). From early to late, the ventricular activation sequences at MA12 were as follows: Epi-LVOT, Endo-LVOT, and RVOT. In LBBB morphology OT-VAs, the QRS-MA12 interval was significantly earlier for LVOT origins than RVOT origins. In the combined cohort of development and validation cohort, a cut-off value of ≤10 ms predicted the LVOT origin with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 78%. The QRS-MA12 interval ≤ -24 ms additionally predicted epicardial LVOT sites of origin.
Conclusions: The QRS-MA interval could accurately differentiate the OT-VAs localization.
Keywords: catheter ablation; coronary sinus; left ventricular summit; premature ventricular contraction; ventricular outflow tract.
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