Malaria and schistosomiasis are infectious diseases that cause hematological profiles abnormalities. Malaria and Schistosoma mansoni co-infection causes exacerbation of health consequences and co-morbidities. The aim of this study was to assess the selected hematological profiles among malaria and S. mansoni co-infected patients at Dembiya Selected Health Institutions. An institutional-based comparative cross-sectional study was conducted from March 30 to August 10, 2022. A total of 140 individuals were enrolled in the study using a convenient sampling technique. Wet mount and Kato Katz technique were conducted to detect S. mansoni in Stool sample. Blood films were prepared for the detection of plasmodium. The data was coded and entered into EpiData version 3.1 before being analyzed with SPSS version 25. A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Mean of WBC, neutrophil, lymphocyte, eosinophil, RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit [4.IU/L,2.2 IU/L, 1.4 IU/L, 0.1 IU/L, 3.13 IU/L, 9.5 g/dL, and 28.7%, resepectively] in co-infected were significantly lower than [7.5 IU/L, 4.6 IU/L, 2.1 IU/L, 0.38 IU/L, 4.8 IU/L, 14.6 g/dL, and 43.7%, resepectively] in the healthy control participants. Mean of RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit [3.13 IU/L, 9.5 g/dL, 28.7%, resepectively] in co-infected were significantly lower compared to [3.8 IU/L, 11.5 g/dL, 33.9%, resepectively] in the malaria monoinfected participants and [3.7 IU/L,11.5 g/dL, 33.6%, resepectively] in the S. mansoni monoinfected participants. The result of hematological profiles in healthy participants had no significant difference compared to light,moderate and heavy S. mansoni infection intensity in coinfection. The number of S. mansoni eggs per gram of stool had been negatively correlated with hematological profiles of co-infected participants except lymphocyte and monocyte which correlated positively. Hematological profiles status in coinfection were significantly altered compared to malaria monoinfection, S. mansoni monoinfection, and healthy participants.Therefore, hematological tests should be used to monitor and manage coinfection related complications, and to reduce coinfection associated morbidity and mortality.
Keywords: Co-infection; Dembiya; Ethiopia; Hematological profile; Malaria; S. mansoni.
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