Neutrophils can contribute to inflammatory disease propagation via innate mechanisms intended for inflammation resolution. For example, neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are necessary for trapping pathogens but can contribute to clot formation and blood flow restriction, that is, ischemia. Currently, no therapeutics in the clinic directly target NETs despite the known involvement of NETs contributing to mortality and increased disease severity. Vascular-deployed particle-based therapeutics are a novel and robust alternative to traditional small-molecule drugs by enhancing drug delivery to cells of interest. This work designs a high-throughput assay to investigate the immunomodulatory behavior and functionality of salicylic acid-based polymer-based particle therapeutics against NETosis in human neutrophils. Briefly, this work finds that polymeric composition plays a role, and particle size can also influence rates of NETosis. Salicylate-based polymeric (Poly-SA) particles are found to functionally inhibit NETosis depending on the particle size and concentration exposed to neutrophils. This work demonstrates the high throughput method can help fast-track particle-based therapeutic optimization and design, more efficiently preparing this innovative therapeutics for the clinic.
Keywords: inflammation; neutrophil extracellular traps; particle‐based therapeutics.
© 2024 The Author(s). Advanced Healthcare Materials published by Wiley‐VCH GmbH.