Label-Free Optical Mapping for Large-Area Biomechanical Dynamics of Multicellular Systems

bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Jun 14:2024.06.12.598186. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.12.598186.


Mapping cellular activities over large areas is crucial for understanding the collective behaviors of multicellular systems. Biomechanical properties, such as cellular traction force, serve as critical regulators of physiological states and molecular configurations. However, existing technologies for mapping large-area biomechanical dynamics are limited by the small field of view and scanning nature. To address this, we propose a novel platform that utilizes a vast number of optical diffractive elements for mapping large-area biomechanical dynamics. This platform achieves a field-of-view of 10.6 mm X 10.6 mm, a three-orders-of-magnitude improvement over traditional traction force microscopy. Transient mechanical waves generated by monolayer neonatal rat ventricular myocytes were captured with high spatiotemporal resolution (130 fps and 20 µm for temporal and spatial resolution, respectively). Furthermore, its label-free nature allows for long-term observations extended to a week, with minimal disruption of cellular functions. Finally, simultaneous measurements of calcium ions concentrations and biomechanical dynamics are demonstrated.

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