Enhanced growth of benthic microalgae by tablet from liquid dairy cattle manure-based anaerobic digestate

Chemosphere. 2024 Sep:363:142943. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142943. Epub 2024 Jul 24.


An effective strategy for utilizing anaerobic digestates is required to promote biomass power generation. We developed an anaerobic digestate tablet using liquid dairy cattle manure derived from a small mesophilic anaerobic digester installed on a dairy farm. Anaerobic digestate tablets are intended for use in the fertilization of oligotrophic coastal seas to promote primary production. The purpose of this study was to evaluate (1) the dissolution behavior of nutrients from anaerobic digestate tablets and (2) the effect of the application of anaerobic digestate tablets on the growth of benthic microalgae using a culture experiment. Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the dissolution behavior of the nutrients. Cumulative amounts of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate in the anaerobic digestate tablet ranged from 110 to 28.9 μg g-1 after 28 days. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen in the anaerobic digestate tablet was mainly ammonium nitrogen and accounted for 92.4-96.9%, which is advantageous for the growth of microalgae. The growth curve of the benthic microalga Nitzchia longissima was monitored using f/2 medium added to the anaerobic digestate tablet. The growth of Nitzchia longissima was two orders of magnitude greater than that of the positive control. The enhanced growth of Nitzchia longissima by the anaerobic digestate tablet was considered a concomitant effect of moderate dissolution of ammonium nitrogen and high affinity for benthic microalgae. In conclusion, the anaerobic digestate tablets prepared in this study have the advantage of supplying nitrogen to benthic microalgae. This study proposes a new method for utilizing anaerobic digestates.

Keywords: Biogas power generation; Methane fermentation; Nitrogen; Ocean fertilization; Oligotrophication; Phosphate.

MeSH terms

  • Anaerobiosis
  • Animals
  • Biomass
  • Cattle
  • Dairying
  • Manure*
  • Microalgae* / growth & development
  • Nitrogen* / metabolism


  • Manure
  • Nitrogen