The conditional survival function of a time-to-event outcome subject to censoring and truncation is a common target of estimation in survival analysis. This parameter may be of scientific interest and also often appears as a nuisance in nonparametric and semiparametric problems. In addition to classical parametric and semiparametric methods (e.g., based on the Cox proportional hazards model), flexible machine learning approaches have been developed to estimate the conditional survival function. However, many of these methods are either implicitly or explicitly targeted toward risk stratification rather than overall survival function estimation. Others apply only to discrete-time settings or require inverse probability of censoring weights, which can be as difficult to estimate as the outcome survival function itself. Here, we employ a decomposition of the conditional survival function in terms of observable regression models in which censoring and truncation play no role. This allows application of an array of flexible regression and classification methods rather than only approaches that explicitly handle the complexities inherent to survival data. We outline estimation procedures based on this decomposition, empirically assess their performance, and demonstrate their use on data from an HIV vaccine trial. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.
Keywords: Censoring; nonparametric; survival analysis; truncation.