Objective: To evaluate the long-term outcomes of laparoscopic pylorus preserving gastrectomy (LPPG) with laparoscopic distal gastrectomy (LDG) for early gastric cancer (EGC).
Summary background data: PPG is considered as a function preserving surgery for EGC. However, there has been no multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing PPG with DG until now.
Methods: A multicenter randomized controlled trial (KLASS-04) with 256 patients with cT1N0M0 gastric cancer located in the mid portion of the stomach was conducted. The primary endpoint was the incidence of dumping syndrome at postoperative 1 year. Secondary endpoints included survival and recurrence, gallstone formation, nutritional parameters, gastroscopic findings, and quality of life (QOL) for 3 years.
Results: In the intention-to-treat analyses, there was no difference in the incidence of dumping syndrome at one year postoperatively (13.2% in LPPG vs. 15.8% in LDG, P=0.622). Gallstone formation after surgery was significantly lower in LPPG than in LDG (2.33% vs. 8.66%, P=0.026). Hemoglobin (+0.01 vs. -0.76 gm/dL, P<0.001) and serum protein (-0.15 vs. -0.35 gm/dL, P=0.002) were significantly preserved after LPPG. However, reflux esophagitis (17.8% vs. 6.3%, P=0.005) and grade IV delayed gastric emptying (16.3% vs. 3.9%, P=0.001) were more common in LPPG. Changes in body weight and postoperative QOL were not significantly different between groups. Three-year overall survival and disease-free survival were not different (1 case of recurrence of in each group, P=0.98).
Conclusions: LPPG can be used as an alternative surgical option for cT1N0M0 gastric cancer in the mid portion of the stomach.
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