Adaptive circuits for action and value information in rodent operant learning

Neurosci Res. 2024 Sep 26:S0168-0102(24)00118-4. doi: 10.1016/j.neures.2024.09.003. Online ahead of print.


Operant learning is a behavioral paradigm where animals learn to associate their actions with consequences, adapting their behavior accordingly. This review delves into the neural circuits that underpin operant learning in rodents, emphasizing the dynamic interplay between neural pathways, synaptic plasticity, and gene expression changes. We explore the cortico-basal ganglia circuits, highlighting the pivotal role of dopamine in modulating these pathways to reinforce behaviors that yield positive outcomes. We include insights from recent studies, which reveals the intricate roles of midbrain dopamine neurons in integrating action initiation and reward feedback, thereby enhancing movement-related activities in the dorsal striatum. Additionally, we discuss the molecular diversity of striatal neurons and their specific roles in reinforcement learning. The review also covers advances in transcriptome analysis techniques, such as single-cell RNA sequencing, which have provided deeper insights into the gene expression profiles associated with different neuronal populations during operant learning.

Keywords: Basal ganglia; Dopamine; Operant learning; Transcriptome.