This paper reports on investigations on the impact of higher neutron fluences on the detection efficiency of protons with CR-39, a charged particle track detector. CR-39 is widely used as a diagnostic for inertial fusion applications and is an integral component of numerous particle diagnostics at the OMEGA laser facility and National Ignition Facility. As experiments continue to produce higher and higher yields, existing diagnostics are impacted by higher particle fluences than they were originally designed for. This paper presents data from experiments measuring proton signal on pieces of CR-39 with different levels of neutron fluence with two different etch times. The experiments show a decrease in signal recovery with increased neutron fluence, which is exacerbated at longer etch times. At 3 h etch time, data suggest a 17% ± 7% signal loss at 1.3 × 105 neutron-induced tracks per cm2 and a 67% ± 21% loss at 6 h etch time. Careful signal isolation techniques can recover most of the proton tracks even with moderate neutron fluence.
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