Contextualizing linguistic acculturation and alcohol use among Hispanic college students in the social digital environment

Cultur Divers Ethnic Minor Psychol. 2024 Oct 7. doi: 10.1037/cdp0000712. Online ahead of print.


Objectives: Linguistic acculturation is a predictor of alcohol use among Hispanic college students, but existing linguistic acculturation measures do not capture language use in the social digital context (e.g., social media). Guided by erosion theory and past empirical findings, this study operationalized two dimensions of social digital linguistic acculturation (SDLA) and examined the interactive effects of SDLA with immigration generation-a demographic proxy for acculturation-in relation to alcohol use intentions and behaviors.

Method: Online questionnaires were completed by 246 Hispanic college students in central Texas between the ages of 18 and 29 (Mage = 21.0, SD = 2.4; 82.1% female) who reported current alcohol use. Measures included two dimensions of SDLA (SDLA-English and SDLA-Spanish) with items developed for this study and supported by exploratory factor analysis, immigration generation as a demographic proxy for acculturation, and three alcohol outcomes (intentions to use alcohol, alcohol consumption, and binge drinking). We specified three regression models in which immigration generation moderated the pathways between SDLA-English and SDLA-Spanish and each alcohol outcome.

Results: Contrary to hypotheses, lower rather than higher SDLA-English was related to greater intentions to use alcohol, greater alcohol consumption, and more frequent binge drinking when immigration generation was higher rather than lower. More aligned with expectations, lower SDLA-Spanish was related to more frequent binge drinking when immigration generation was higher.

Conclusions: The link between SDLA and alcohol engagement is nuanced. This study's findings may be partially explained by acculturative stress in the context of social digital engagement, warranting further exploration. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).