1 Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.
2 Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
3 The Israeli Teratology Information Service, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel.
4 Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.
5 Service of Pharmacy, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
6 Institute of Primary Healthcare (BIHAM), University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
7 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Berlin Institute of Health, Pharmakovigilanzzentrum, Embryonaltoxikologie, Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Berlin, Germany.
8 UK Teratology Information Service, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
9 Directorate of Women's Services, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
10 The Rotunda Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
11 School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.