High temporal resolution x-ray streak camera studies of micropinch formation in Cu hybrid x pinches reveal key plasma conditions. Analysis of Ne-like Cu lines indicate an average electron temperature of about 200 eV and 4.5×10^{28}m^{-3} electron density. The spectra suggest that the electron temperature jumps to about 1 keV, inferred from the continuum and the postcontinuum line emission that includes Li-like Cu lines. There is no sign of a rapid temperature change or a substantial surge in radiation emission during the 200 ps precontinuum x-ray burst, suggesting that the radiative collapse process does not play a major role in micropinch formation. Two-dimensional extended Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, coupled to a collisional-radiative spectral analysis code, suggest the significance of the rapid radial implosion of high-temperature, low-density plasma, the axial outflow, and the dynamic plasma pressure in micropinch formation.