2025 update-expanded resources for new technologies and species

Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Oct 22:gkae917. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae917. Online ahead of print.


The design, analysis and mining of large-scale 'omics studies with the goal of advancing biological and biomedical understanding require use of a range of bioinformatics tools, including approaches tailored to needs specific to a given species and/or technology. The FlyRNAi database at the Drosophila RNAi Screening Center and Transgenic RNAi Project (DRSC/TRiP) Functional Genomics Resources ( supports an increasingly broad group of technologies and species. Recently, for example, we expanded the database to include additional new data-centric resources that facilitate mining and analysis of single-cell transcriptomics. In addition, we have applied our approaches to CRISPR reagent and gene-centric bioinformatics approaches in Drosophila to arthropod vectors of infectious diseases. Building on our previous comprehensive reports on the FlyRNAi database, here we focus on new and updated resources with a primary focus on data-centric tools. Altogether, our suite of online resources supports various stages of functional genomics studies for Drosophila and other arthropods, and facilitate a wide range of reagent design, analysis, data mining and analysis approaches by biologists and biomedical experts studying Drosophila, other common genetic model species, arthropod vectors and/or human biology.