The teaching of human anatomy (HA) constitutes one of the fundamental pillars of the curriculum in biological and healthcare-related programs. Therefore, it is imperative that the methodology and didactics employed in this discipline equip students in the best possible way. The traditional method of teaching HA involves lectures and practical classes with previously dissected cadaveric specimens and dissection activities. Concurrently, the present era is witnessing the emergence and popularization of new digital technologies connected to the internet, among which we can highlight smartphones, quick response codes, and virtual reality devices, along with the dissemination of complementary imaging methods, such as radiography, ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, and computerized tomography. From this perspective, the objective of this review is to analyze how each of these new tools integrates into the academic context, in order to diversify the teaching of HA and contribute to better understanding of the HA content during academic training, as well as the clinical applications.
Keywords: Anatomy education; Educational technologies; Medical education; Preclinical education; Teaching.
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