Evaluation of a novel nerve ablation technique to relieve lower back pain: A cadaveric feasibility pilot study

Pain Med. 2024 Nov 6:pnae112. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnae112. Online ahead of print.


Introduction: Radiofrequency ablation is a treatment for facetogenic low back pain that targets medial branches of lumbar dorsal rami to denervate facet joints. Clinical outcomes vary; optimizing cannula placement to better capture the medial branch may improve clinical outcomes. A novel parasagittal technique was proposed from an anatomical model; this technique was proposed to optimize capture of the medial branch. The anatomical feasibility of the novel technique has not been evaluated.

Objective: To simulate and evaluate the proposed parasagittal technique in its ability to achieve proper cannula placement, and proximity of uninsulated cannula tips to the medial branches of the dorsal rami in cadaveric specimens.

Materials and methods: Under fluoroscopic guidance, 14 cannulae were placed using the parasagittal technique targeting the lumbar medial branches of two cadavers. Meticulous dissection was undertaken to assess cannula alignment and measure proximities to target nerves using a digital caliper.

Results: The novel parasagittal technique was successfully performed in a cadaveric model in 12/14 attempts. The technique achieved close proximity of cannula tips to medial branches (0.8 ± 1.1 mm). In two instances cannulae were placed unsuccessfully, where one cannula was too far anterior, the other too far retracted.

Conclusion: In this cadaveric simulation study, the feasibility of performing the parasagittal technique for lumbar radiofrequency ablation was evaluated. This study suggests the parasagittal technique is a feasible option for lumbar medial branch radiofrequency ablation.