Treating disruptive disorder with emotional dysregulation (DDED) is a challenge in terms of difficulties, objectives and results. In addition to a multi-disciplinary approach involving child psychiatrists, nurses, psychomotricists and educators, the use of animal mediation (dogs) appears relevant. Eight standardized group sessions with eight children aged 6 to 10, assessed by means of a semi-directive interview and several psychometric tools (MDI-C, Kidscreen, parent attachment inventory, child/family star, family/child star, alexithymia questionnaire) revealed improvements in listening skills, empathy, adaptability, socialization, anger and depression management, temper tantrum frequency, school complaints and depressive symptoms.
Keywords: DDED; TDDE; anger; animal mediation; child psychiatry; colère; depression; dépression; mediated therapy; médiation animale; pédopsychiatrie; thérapie médiatisée.
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