Objectives: The present study sheds novel light on the so-called 'racial paradox in mental health,' i.e., the phenomenon that Blacks, despite their relative socioeconomic disadvantages are mentally healthier than their more privileged White counterparts in the US. Evidence from prior research has been largely based on non-probability or regional surveys fielded during 'ordinary' times. In contrast, we analyze probability data on American adults collected during the extraordinary period of the COVID-19 pandemic across the country.
Design: Data came from the Census Household Pulse Survey (CHPS). The CHPS sampled community-dwelling U.S. adults across 50 States and the District of Columbia using the Master Address File (MAF). Data collection began on April 23 2020 and was carried out on a biweekly basis. We used three phases of data covering 21 weeks in total (with the week ending on February 1, 2021). Mixed-effects (multilevel) modeling was employed to analyze the data.
Results: Statistical results show that compared to their Black counterparts Whites fared worse mentally during the pandemic. We also found that the magnitude of the focal association is stronger with greater vulnerability operationalized at the individual level, i.e., in the context of lower income, job insecurity, and food shortage. Additionally, significant cross-level interactions emerged: the effect of race was more pronounced in geographic regions with higher coronavirus infection, greater ethnic heterogeneity, and higher structural disadvantage.
Conclusion: Our research supports existing studies that Blacks vis-à-vis Whites are psychologically more resilient. We add to the literature by shedding novel light on the mental health paradox during the extraordinary times brought about by the COVID-19-induced public health crisis. Ironically, there is a mental cost involved with the 'White privilege' in the US.
Keywords: COVID-19; Mental health paradox; SDG 3: Good health & well-being; SDG10: Reduced inequalities; contextual effects; psychological resilience; race; vulnerability.