Purpose of review: In this review, we discuss the importance of digital health equity and how social determinants of health (and intersectionality with race, ethnicity, and gender) affect cardiovascular health-related outcomes in digital health trials. We propose strategies to improve digital health equity as we move to a digitally-connected world for healthcare applications and beyond.
Recent findings: Digital health has immense promise to improve population health by reaching individuals in their homes, at their preferred times. However, initial data demonstrate decreased patient engagement and worse cardiovascular outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities, leading to unequal uptake of digital health technologies. In addition, while women generally have higher uptake of technology, they are less likely to be referred by clinicians for digital health interventions. We highlight several exemplar trials and analyze their methodology for replication in future digital health research. The promise of digital health equity has not been reached due to exclusionary practices. Specific focus must be placed on societal/governmental policies that enable digital inclusion, particularly of racial and ethnic minority populations and women, to ensure that the expansion of digital health technologies does not exacerbate existing health disparities.
Keywords: Cardiovascular disease; Digital accessibility; Digital divide; Digital health; Digital health equity; Health disparities.
© 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.