The combination of pharmacogenomics and nanotechnology science of pharmacogenomics into a highly advanced single entity has given birth to personalized medicine known as nano-enabled pharmacogenomics. This review article covers all aspects starting from pharmacogenomics to gene editing tools, how these have evolved or are likely to be evolved for pharmacogenomic application, and how these can be delivered using nanoparticle delivery systems. In this prior work, we explore the evolution of pharmacogenomics over the years, as well as new achievements in the field of genomic sciences, the challenges in drug creation, and application of the strategy of personalized medicine. Particular attention is paid to how nanotechnology helps avoid the problems that accompanied the development of pharmacogenomics earlier, for example, the question of drug resistance and targeted delivery. We also review the latest developments in nano-enabled pharmacogenomics, such as the coupling with other nanobio-technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine learning in pharmacogenomics, and the ethical and regulatory aspects of these developing technologies. The possible uses of nanotechnology in improving the chances of pated and treating drug-resistant cancers are exemplified by case studies together with the current clinical uses of nanotechnology. In the last section, we discuss the future trends and research prospects in this dynamically growing area, stressing the importance of further advancements and collaborations which will advance the nano-enabled pharmacogenomics to their maximum potential.
Keywords: CRISPR-Cas9; Pharmacogenomics; drug resistance; nanoparticle delivery systems; personalized medicine; targeted drug delivery.