Background and study aims Endoscopic sphincterotomy can be challenging especially in patients with surgically altered anatomy. Although a rotatable sphincterotome (r-sphincterotome) may be useful, its rotational function is often inadequate. We evaluated the feasibility of a newly designed r-sphincterotome equipped with a well-conceived cutting wire. Methods We measured the movement and dynamics of both the newly designed r-sphincterotome and two existing r-sphincterotomes using in-house equipment. Ideally, the rotational force exerted at the proximal end should transmit directly to the distal end. But it is often challenging, particularly within the constraints of a bent endoscope and working channel. We collected data regarding deviation from the ideal value 10 times for each sphincterotome. Results The deviation from the ideal value was significantly lower with the newly designed r-sphincterotome than with the conventional r-sphincterotomes (44.9 ± 27.8 vs. 73.7 ± 44.6 and 130.1 ± 71.4 degrees, respectively; P < 0.001). The newly designed r-sphincterotome rotated smoothly and consistently at a constant speed, mirroring the input rotation. Conclusions We evaluated the feasibility of the newly designed r-sphincterotome using an experimental model. We believe that the findings from these experiments may contribute to easier and more precise sphincterotomies.
Keywords: ERC topics; Pancreatobiliary (ERCP/PTCD); Performance and complications; Quality and logistical aspects; Quality management; Training.
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