Common carotid artery reconstruction with superficial femoral artery: Surgical steps to use fresh in vivo arterial homograft

Vascular. 2024 Nov 29:17085381241305189. doi: 10.1177/17085381241305189. Online ahead of print.


Objectives: The use of homograft for vascular reconstruction is a common practice in infective setting or to prevent aneurysmal dilation over the time. The use of fresh arterial homograft is conversely rarely reported.

Methods: We report a case about the use of fresh arterial homograft as a substitute of carotid intra-stent stenosis.

Results: We describe the several steps of the procedure of a carotid stent graft explant and reconstruction with the interposition of the superficial femoral artery in a 29-year-old patient presenting with a carotid intra-stent stenosis. One-month postoperatively, the DUS showed the patency of the bypass graft.

Conclusions: Fresh in vivo superficial femoral artery for common carotid artery reconstruction may be considered in young patient as it provides excellent size-match, resistance to infection and low risk of aneurysmal degeneration.

Keywords: Homograft; carotid artery disease; in-stent restenosis.