Generalized Estimating Equations for Survival Data With Dependent Censoring

Stat Med. 2024 Dec 1. doi: 10.1002/sim.10296. Online ahead of print.


Independent censoring is usually assumed in survival data analysis. However, dependent censoring, where the survival time is dependent on the censoring time, is often seen in real data applications. In this project, we model the vector of survival time and censoring time marginally through semiparametric heteroscedastic accelerated failure time models and model their association by the vector of errors in the model. We show that this semiparametric model is identified, and the generalized estimating equation approach is extended to estimate the parameters in this model. It is shown that the estimators of the model parameters are consistent and asymptotically normal. Simulation studies are conducted to compare it with the estimation method under a parametric model. A real dataset from a prostate cancer study is used for illustration of the new proposed method.

Keywords: dependent censoring; generalized estimating equation; heteroscedasticity.