Primary chemotherapy in carcinoma of the breast is justified by the high risk of distant metastases, immunodepression related to surgery and the experimental studies and clinical trials of Nissen-Meyer in 1967, and Fisher in 1968. Chemotherapy was associated with loco-regional Patey-type surgery (20 patients) or radiotherapy with cobalt and irridium (43 patients) in 63 cases of breast cancer, 33 of which were T4 or in exarcerbation. Initial chemotherapy comprised 3 to 6 infusions of Velbe, Thiotepa, Methotrexate, 5-Fluoro-uracil, prednisone plus adriamycine in the severe forms. Over 50 p. 100 tumour regression was observed in 80 p. 100 of patients without major toxicity reactions. In all cases of radiotherapy alone, the tumour disappeared completely in the two months after the end of radiotherapy. Only one of the 63 patients relapsed at the 8th month and she died. The follow-up period now ranges from 3 to 29 months (average 12 months). These results are encouraging but only a larger series will allow definite conclusions to be drawn.