The three pinene synthases (cyclases) from common sage (Salvia officinalis) catalyze the conversion of geranyl pyrophosphate to the bicyclic olefins (+)-alpha-pinene and (+)-camphene (cyclase I), (-)-alpha-pinene, (-)-beta-pinene, and (-)-camphene (cyclase II), and (+)-alpha-pinene and (+)-beta-pinene (cyclase III), in addition to smaller amounts of monocyclic and acyclic monoterpene olefins. (1R)-4-2H1- and (1S)-4-2H1-labeled geranyl pyrophosphates were prepared and used to examine the stereochemistry of the C3-proton elimination from the pinyl cation intermediates in the formation of the alpha-pinene enantiomers. Mass spectrometric analysis of the biosynthetic products derived from the chirally deuterated substrates revealed that cyclase I and cyclase III removed the C4-proR-hydrogen of the substrate (C3 proton trans to the dimethyl bridge of the pinyl nucleus) with a stereoselectivity exceeding 94% in the formation of (+)-alpha-pinene. Similarly, cyclase II removed the C4-proS-hydrogen of the substrate (C3-trans proton of the corresponding pinyl cation) with a stereoselectivity exceeding 78% in the formation of (-)-alpha-pinene. The stereoselectivity of these C3-axial hydrogen eliminations is rationalized on the basis of a stereochemical model for the electrophilic isomerization-cyclization reaction sequence catalyzed by the pinene cyclases. The changes in the overall rates of olefin biosynthesis by these enzymes and in the product ratios resulting from deuterium substitution also permitted confirmation of isotopically sensitive branching in pinene biosynthesis and allowed the observation of primary kinetic isotope effects in isolation.