This was a randomized, double-blind, multicentre, short-term study comparing ranitidine and nizatidine at the standard dosages of 300 mg at bedtime. In 49 centres in Italy, all peptic ulcer patients aged over 65 years and with endoscopically documented acute disease were considered eligible for the study. Clinical check-ups were repeated every 3 weeks, while the endoscopic and biochemical assessments were scheduled at 6 and (in unhealed patients) 12 weeks.
Statistics: chi-squared test, Fisher's exact test, Student t-test for unpaired data. The study included 170 duodenal ulcer and 75 gastric ulcer patients. Of these, 83/170 duodenal ulcer and 38/75 gastric ulcer patients were treated with nizatidine 300 mg and the remainder with ranitidine 300 mg. The groups were well-matched for common clinical data. Eight patients dropped out. Healing rates at 6 and 12 weeks were 81.9% and 91.5% for nizatidine-treated duodenal ulcer patients versus 78.1% and 94.2% for ranitidine-treated duodenal ulcer cases (P: N.S.); 6 and 12-week healing rates were 76.3% and 89.5% for nizatidine-treated gastric ulcer patients versus 67.6% and 83.8% for ranitidine-treated gastric ulcer patients (P: N.S.). No slow healing risk factors were found. Only minor adverse events were registered.
In conclusion: ranitidine 300 mg and nizatidine 300 mg both proved effective and safe in the treatment of acute peptic ulceration in the elderly.