The frequencies of major breakpoint region (MBR) and minor cluster region (MCR) breakpoint sites of t(14;18) were examined by polymerase chain reaction and Southern blotting in 50 non-Hodgkin's lymphomas with cytogenetic evidence of t(14;18). A translocation breakpoint was detected in 41 cases (82%). The MBR was involved in 66%, and the MCR in 16% of the cases. Most cases in the present series were lymphomas with a follicular or diffuse growth pattern, 38 being of the centroblastic/centrocytic type and eight of the centroblastic type. The series also included four lymphomas of probable non-follicular center cell origin. MBR and/or MCR breakpoints were found in all studied lymphoma subtypes and in the majority of these most of the breakpoints were in the MBR and a minor portion of the breakpoints in the MCR. Our results suggest that a breakpoint site is not related to growth pattern or neoplastic cell type in follicular center cell lymphomas with t(14;18).