The Radiotherapy group of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC-RT) has been performing quality assurance with mailed TL dosimetry since 1986. The programme consists of therapy machine output checks, in vivo measurements, and dosimetry for brachytherapy. The therapy machine output checks have revealed a few large deviations (greater than 7%) between EORTC-measured and institute-stated dose, but also shown an improvement in the dosimetry of the participating institutes as a result of consecutive mailings. The use of in vivo dosimetry with mailed TLD has proven that it is feasible to detect deviations of +/- 5%. The results have shown deviations within +/- 5% for dosimeters located well within the radiation field for internal measurements in the pelvic region. Dosimetry of brachytherapy has been performed for low dose rate 192Ir sources. Differences of 14% can be seen between the participating centres.