Hematopoietic growth factors may be useful in improving the clinical effectiveness of arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C). In vitro studies have indicated that interleukin 3(IL-3) and, to a lesser extent, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), but not G-CSF or M-CSF, may be capable of specifically augmenting the ability of ara-C to kill leukemic myeloid cells by pharmacological and cytokinetic mechanisms including increase of intracellular ara-CTP/dCTP pool ratios and enhanced ara-C DNA incorporation in leukemic blast cells, decrease of IC 90 of ara-C for leukemic colony-forming cells (CFC) as compared with normal CFC growth, and recruitment of quiescent leukemic cells into the cell cycle. In contrast, the combination of ara-C with M-CSF or with the leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) appears to be useful in overcoming the block in differentiation of leukemic blast, while the effects of GM-CSF and IL-3 on ara-C-induced differentiation appear limited. The combined treatment of human myeloid leukemia cells by ara-C and LIF is associated with down-regulation of c-myc gene expression, transcriptional activation of jun/fos gene expression, and features of functional differentiation (e.g., the capability to reduce nitroblue tetrazolium, to express lysozyme, or to display differentiation-related surface receptors including C3bi and the c-fms protein). On the basis of these in vitro studies first clinical trials are underway that are examining the efficacy of ara-C combinations with these molecules for the treatment of myeloid disorders.