Subependymal/intraventricular hemorrhage (SE/IVH) is the most frequently encountered type of hemorrhage in the neonatal period. Premature infants often develop SE/IVH which remains is one of most serious neonatal events. We studied a group of 96 premature newborn infants: half of which were diagnosed with SE/IVH. We evaluated the babies at six and 12 months of age which++ a battery of neurobehavioral exams, including neurological, psychological, motor an audiological test. In 52 of infants with SE/IVH showed some type of neurobehavioral abnormality, compared with 13% of non-SE/IVH infants. In 56% of SE/IVH infants had neurological abnormalities at 12 months (P < 0.0001) difference with non-SE/IVH), predominantly in areas of muscle tone and reflex. Motor abnormalities were encountered in 42% of SE/IVH children, and in 4% of non-SE/IVH children at 12 months. Psychometric abnormalities at 12 months were noted in 53% of the SE/IVH group. Hypocusis were noted in 38% of the SE/IVH group and in 15% of the non-SE/IVH group.