Anandamide (AnNH, N-arachidonoyl-ethanolamine) has been recently proposed as the endogenous ligand for mammalian brain cannabinoid receptor. Non-cannabinoid receptor-mediated, intracellular actions have been also found for this novel mediator. Here we present evidence for the modulation by anandamide of rat brain protein kinase C (PKC) activity in vitro. The ethanolamide of arachidonic acid (AA) was more active than the free acid in increasing phosphatidylserine (PS)-induced PKC activation (EC50 = 40 microM), but inhibited dioleylglycerol-induced potentiation of both Ca(2+)- and Ca2+/PS-induced PKC activation (IC50 = 8 microM and 30 microM, respectively). A dual modulatory action of anandamide on PKC, exerted by binding to the diacylglycerol regulatory site, is hypothesized in rat brain.