Purpose: The growth of human bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) in scid/scid mice was examined.
Materials and methods: Cystocopically obtained TCC biopsies were implanted in scid/scid mice, and successful xenografts were compared with original tumors for growth and genetic characteristics.
Results: Low grade papillary tumors formed fluid-filled pseudobladders lined with malignant urothelium and papillary fronds containing fibrovascular cores recruited from the murine host. High grade xenografts grew without these secondary structures. When compared with the patient tumors, xenograft growth fractures, as measured by proliferating cell nuclear antigen, p53 expression and ploidy, were similar in each.
Conclusions: The scid/scid xenografts maintain phenotype and architecture. This model may be useful for studying factors determining tumor grade, angiogenesis and tissue organization.