Background: Ninety-seven patients with small hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) measuring 3 cm or less in size and three patients with adenomatous hyperplasia who underwent radical hepatic resection were examined in this study.
Methods: The lesions were classified into four groups according to the following histologic grading criteria: group A, adenomatous hyperplasia (n = 3); group B, early HCC (n = 6); group C, well-differentiated HCC (wHCC) (n = 32); and group D, moderately or poorly differentiated HCC (n = 59). The involvement factors that seemed to be important or to characterize the progression of HCC and the survival rates were compared among the four histologic groups.
Results: The frequency of patients with tumors larger than 2.0 cm in size and that of patients with 200 or more ng/ml serum alpha-fetoprotein increased with the progression of histologic malignancy. Tumor staining on the angiogram, capsular formation, and extranodular invasion were never seen in groups A and B, but they began to appear in group C and increased remarkably in group D. The 5-year survival rates of the patients in groups B, C, and D were 100%, 60%, and 27%, respectively, and statistically significant differences were seen among them. In comparative evaluation of the group C patients the lesions that showed no tumor staining had no capsule, and those that had no capsule had no extranodular invasion. The 5-year survival rate of patients with wHCC without extranodular invasion (81%) was significantly higher than that of patients with extranodular invasion (35%) (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: It may be recommended to provide the category of wHCC without extranodular invasion for pathologic classification of clinically early HCC (i.e., HCC of high curability).