Genotoxical agents as PAH, nitrosamines, aromatic amines located in tobacco smoke are responsible for disorders of structure and function of DNA chromosomes, proteins and also initiation of carcinogenesis. DNA adducts are recognized as measure of the biological effective dose of exposure to environmental genotoxicant. So far most studies on DNA adducts after human exposure to tobacco smoke have ben carried out on white blood cells, lungs and oral cavities tissue. The aim of this work was estimation of relationship between state of neoplastic disease (TNM system) and number of aromatic DNA adducts. The subject were 37 patients with primary larynx tumor. In every case histopathological investigation revealed squamous cell carcinoma. There were 33 total and 4 partial laryngectomies performed. From tumour and nontumour larynx tissue DNA was isolated. Analysis of DNA adducts was performed by the 32P-postlabelling method. The results were characterized by individual differentiation. The highest level of DNA adducts was found in larynx tumour cells. In case of strong smokers (30-40 cigarettes per day) the level of aromatic adducts was higher then in non- or ex-smokers. In both tissues (tumour and non-tumour) the highest level of aromatic adducts was in T3 stage, the lowes in cause of T2 stage. In tissues with T4 stage the level of DNA adducts was intermediate. One has been observed decrease tendency in level of DNA adducts which is connected with increase of TNM stage.