Recent in vivo studies suggest that tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is involved in the development of the thymus. We postulated that this inflammatory mediator could regulate the influx of progenitor T cells into the thymus. Using an in vitro static adhesion system, we found that TNF-alpha increases the adhesion of a murine progenitor T cell line (FTF1) to a bovine aortic endothelial cell line (1F8), human umbilical vein endothelial (HUVE) cells, and a murine arterial endothelial (MAE) cell line. TNF-alpha treatment of the 1F8 cells resulted in a time- and dose-dependent increase in the adherence of FTF1 cells. Adherence increased during the first 6 hr of treatment with TNF-alpha concentrations ranging from 10(-11) to 10(-9) M. Maximal adherence (6 hr treatment with 10(-10) M of TNF-alpha) was approximately 4.5-fold larger than that of untreated monolayers. A slow decrease in adherence, down to approximately 2-fold at 48 hr, was observed beyond 12 hr of TNF-alpha treatment; in contrast, removal of TNF-alpha after 6 hr of continued stimulation caused the adherence to return to pre-stimulation levels within 24-30 hr. Adhesion of FTF1 cells to TNF-alpha treated 1F8 cells was almost completely blocked by a monoclonal antibody against murine CD49d (very late antigen-4) expressed on FTF1 cells. TNF-alpha-induced adhesion of FTF1 cells to MAE cells was also blocked by monoclonal antibodies against murine CD49d and CD106 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1). These results support the notion that local secretion of TNF-alpha could modulate the dynamics of adhesion of progenitor T cells to the thymic endothelium.